Future application on precision nutrition technology

Putrika Citta Pramesi 1 and Endang Sutriswati Rahayu 1,2

1 Center of Excellence for Research and Application on Integrated Probiotics Industry, Center for Food and Nutrition Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2 Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]


Each individual human beings have different genetic information. In the recent years, technologies  on DNA analysis, such as whole genome sequencing, has been vastly improving. The relation between genetics, gut microbiome and nutrition is found to be inseparable. The dietary  recommendation which covers the nutrient intake suggestion of a population might not be  appropriate for those with different health condition, such as people with metabolic disorders and  malnourished children. Hence, personalized dietary recommendation based on multiple  information (dietary intake, physical activity, socioeconomic status, psychosocial characteristics,  etc.) might be able to be used for providing dietary advices. This individually based nutrient  recommendation is defined as precision nutrition (PN). The big dataset used in PN can be further  correlated with the results of gut microbiota composition to obtain recommendation on dietary  intake, especially for maintaining gut health. Additionally, industries can also use this technology  to produce functional foods (e.g., probiotic food) for a more segmented group with similar PN.  Thus, in the future, the use of precision nutrition technology may also be seen in both individual  and industrial levels.